
You are cordially invited to submit your research papers for presentation at the 12th International Research Meeting in Business and Management (#IRMBAM2023) that will take place on 6-8 July 2023 in Nice (France), the beautiful capital of the French Riviera and one of the world’s most popular tourist destinations.

The IRMBAM2023, organized by the IPAG Business School, will be an excellent networking opportunity for academics, doctoral students, and practitioners to present new research results, and discuss current and challenging issues in their disciplines.


We welcome submissions in areas of business, finance, accounting, management, family business, and theoretical and applied economics, among others. Below is the full list of the conference tracks:

Keynote Speakers

Dimitrios Buhalis, Director eTourismLab, Bournemouth University, United Kingdom


Professor Dimitrios Buhalis is Director of the eTourism Lab and Deputy Director of the International Centre for Tourism and Hospitality Research, at Bournemouth University Business School in England. He is a Strategic Management and Marketing expert with specialisation in Information Communication Technology applications in the Tourism, Travel, Hospitality and Leisure industries. His research pioneers smart and ambient intelligence tourism with a particular focus on innovation, entrepreneurship and destination ecosystems management. He is the Editor in Chief of Tourism Review and the Editor in Chief of the Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing.  Professor Buhalis has written and co-edited more than 25 books and 400 scientific articles. Professor Dimitrios Buhalis was recognised as a Highly Cited Researcher 2020, 2021 and 2022 by Clarivate™. He is featured in the Stanford University’s database of the world’s top 2% of scientists. He is the 3rd most cited for tourism, 2nd most cited for hospitality, 10th on strategy, and 29th in Marketing on Google Scholar with more than 58000 citations and h-index 103. For more information, books, articles and presentations see www.buhalis.com.


Luis Gómez-Mejía, Regents Professor & Weatherup/Overby Chair in Leadership, Arizona State University, US


Luis Gomez-Mejia returned to Arizona State University in 2016, where he taught for two decades before joining Texas A&M University and the University of Notre Dame. Prior to his first appointment with ASU, Professor Gomez-Mejia taught at the University of Colorado at Boulder. A highly cited scholar, his research focuses on the relationships of international management, strategic management, executive compensation, and family businesses. One of the most published authors among the "big eight" management journals, he has published more than 250 articles in the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Strategic Management Journal, and Administrative Science Quarterly, among others. Prior to entering academia, Professor Gomez-Mejia worked for eight years in human resources for the city of Minneapolis and Data Control Corp. He has also served as a consultant to numerous organizations including IBM Corp., DuPont, and Honeywell International Inc. For the past seven years, he has consistently appeared in the Thomson Reuters Highly Cited Researchers list, ranking in the top one percent of researchers in economics and business worldwide.



Authors are invited to submit their full papers in English* in PDF file, no later than April 11, 2023, by midnight Paris time, via the conference website: https://irmbam2023.sciencesconf.org/submission/submit 


Conference Co-chairs

Andrea CalabròIPAG Business School, France

Ted Loch-Temzelides, Rice University, United States

Philip Mcilkenny, Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa, Canada

Patrick Musso, University Nice Sophia Antipolis, France

Tra Tran, IPAG Business School, France



Important Dates

Submission deadline (full paper)
April 11, 2023 (midnight Paris time)

Extended Submission deadline (full paper, PDF files)
April 25, 2023

Notification of review results
May 09, 2023

Registration deadline
June 06, 2023 (midnight Paris time)

Conference event
July 6-8, 2023




Special Issue of Journal of African Business under the Guest-editorship of Prof. Maria Giuseppina Bruna, Prof. Mahamadou Biga Diambeidou, Prof. Dt Ogilvie, Prof. Jean-Paul Tchankam, and Prof. Ababacar Mbengue. See Call for papers for more details. 


Special Issue of Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility under the Guest-editorship of Prof. Andrea Calabrò, Prof. Alejandro Escriba Esteve, Prof. Tulsi Jayakumar, Prof. Marta Riera, Prof. Georges Samara and Prof. Mariateresa Torchia. See Call for papers for more details.


Special Issue of International Marketing Review (attached to track 6) under the Guest-editorship of Prof. Michael Christofi, Prof. Grigorios Lamprinakos, Prof. Duc Khuong Nguyen and Prof. Phuong Tra Tran.


Special Issue of Journal of Organizational Change Management under the Guest-editorship of Prof. Mahamadou Biga Diambeidou, Prof. Maria Giuseppina Bruna, Prof. Valérie Swaen, and Prof. Ahmed Imran Hunjura. See Call for papers for more details. 



Question(s) de management journal welcomes best papers convergent with its editorial line for fast reviewing process. 



Revue internationale de psychosociologie welcomes best papers convergent with its editorial line for reviewing process. 



The academic review  Management & Sciences Sociales, chaired by Prof. Zahir YANAT (ISTEC Paris, France), welcomes best papers convergent with its editorial line.



In consultation with the Editors-in-Chief of Annals of Operations Research (IF: 4.46), Journal of Economic Asymmetries (CiteScore: 2.8), and Journal of Forecasting (IF: 2.627) RAUSP Management Journal, authors of selected papers will be invited to submit their manuscripts to a regular issue of these journals with fast-track review.





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